Facility Updates


Main PAC 

PAC Operating Hours Update 11 February 2025

Based on pending bad weather event,  the PAC, Mark Center and Taylor Annexes will close today,  Tuesday, 11 February at 1400.  If you have any belongings in lockers that you need, please retrieve those items prior to 1400.  Be Safe!


v/r The PAC Team


PAC February 2025 Newsletter

Upcoming Programs & Events

Check out our awesome programs and events below for this month!

 CrossFit Competition - Please join us on Wednesday, February 5th at 0900 for a

CrossFit Competition in the PAC on the blue floor. This is a scaled and RX version.

For questions, please email felipe.a.roldan.naf@mail.mil.

 Power Lifting Competition - February 25th - February 27th from 0900 - 1200

February 25th Lightweight

February 26th Midweight

February 27th Heavyweight

 Personal Training - We are now offering personal training with our very own Jonathan

Ammons! Feel free to email jonathan.ammons.naf@mail.mil for more information.

 Small Group Training - Every Tuesday &Thursday at 0730 in the CrossFit Area.

Also, we’ve added two new classes! Tabata 0430-0530 on Tuesdays and Step

0430-0530 on Thursdays. There is limited space, and registration is required.

Please email kyiala.satybaeva.naf@mail.mil for more information.

For SGT and CrossFit Competition — please sign up through the PAC public website,

https://pacma.osd.mil/Reservations/SignUpEvent.aspx (copy and paste into


PAC Operating Hours Update

Swim Lessons

We are thrilled to inform you that swimming lessons will indeed be available now!  However, please note that spaces are limited, so it's recommended to sign up as soon as possible to secure your spot. To register, please visit [https://pacma.osd.mil/Admin/Events/ManageEvents.aspx]. Once you click the link, navigate to the event calendar (Sports/Classes) located on the top left corner.  From there, you'll be able to see available dates and times for registration.


Swimming lessons are available with a maximum of six participants per session. Each session lasts approximately 1 hour. Beginner sessions offered on Tuesdays, while Thursdays cater to more advanced swimmers.  If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact: Shai Cummings at shai.s.cummings.naf@mail.mil


Please see the update to the PAC Operating Hours:


Effective Mon 27 January 2025 the PAC will have new operating hours. These temporary operating hours are part of a Pilot Program that runs from 27 January 2025 to 27 May 2025.  Data will be collected on member traffic flow to determine the feasibility of the new operating hours.


Main PAC Operating Hours will be:

Monday 0400-2200*

Tuesday 0400-2200*

Wednesday 0400-2200*

Thursday 0400-2200*

Friday 0400-1900*

Saturday and Sunday 0800-1300

Closed Federal Holidays

*Ingress/ Egress to the PAC from the hours of 2000-2200 will only be accessible through the interior turnstiles in Corridor 7


The Mark Center and Taylor-Polk Annex will remain the same as follows:

Monday 0500-1900

Tuesday 0500-1900

Wednesday 0500-1900

Thursday 0500-1900

Friday 0500-1900

Saturday and Sunday Closed

Closed Federal Holidays


v/r The PAC Team

PAC January 2025 Newsletter

Happy New Year! As we step into 2025, we want to thank you for being a vital part of the PAC community. We are kicking off the year with a lineup of amazing programs and events designed to inspire and challenge you.

Stay tuned for announcements and updates as we roll out these incredible opportunities.  Wishing you a healthy, active, and fulfilling New Year!


v/r The PAC Team

PAC December 2024 updates 

We hope everyone is looking forward to a great Holiday season. Please see the PAC Updates as well as the Inclement Weather Policy:


Special Event: Pop-Up Yoga & Meditation

Date: 23 December
Time: 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM

Take a break and join us for a refreshing yoga and meditation session before the holidays.

Thank you for your continued participation! We look forward to seeing you at PAC.
• If you missed the registration but still wish to participate, please contact Kyiala Satybaeva at kyiala.satybaeva.naf@mail.mil.

GX Class Schedule Update:
The updated GX class schedule for December is attached. Most classes remain unchanged, except for Friday’s schedule.

Holiday Closures:
Please note the following holiday closures in December:

• 12 December: Organization Day – The facility will be closed.
24 December: Christmas Eve – The facility will be closed.
25 December: Christmas Day – The facility will be closed.

31 December: New Years Eve – The facility will be closed.

Minimal Classes:
27 December (Friday)
30 December (Monday)
Only early morning classes will be held. Please refer to the class schedule for specific times.


Swim Lessons

We are thrilled to inform you that swimming lessons will indeed be available now!  However, please note that spaces are limited, so it's recommended to sign up as soon as possible to secure your spot. To register, please visit [https://pacma.osd.mil/Admin/Events/ManageEvents.aspx]. Once you click the link, navigate to the event calendar (Sports/Classes) located on the top left corner.  From there, you'll be able to see available dates and times for registration.


Swimming lessons are available with a maximum of six participants per session. Each session lasts approximately 1 hour. Beginner sessions offered on Tuesdays, while Thursdays cater to more advanced swimmers.  If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact: Shai Cummings at shai.s.cummings.naf@mail.mil


We encourage you to plan your visits accordingly and enjoy the upcoming holiday season.


PAC Operating Hours update:

To allow more time for those evening workouts The PAC is exploring staying open until 2300 Monday to Thursday starting Monday 20 January, 2025. More to come…


PAC Inclement Weather Policy:


  • As we head toward the 2024-25 winter season, the team wants to take this opportunity to remind our membership of the PAC's operating procedures during inclement weather.


The PAC is committed to providing the highest-level of customer service and satisfaction without compromising the safety of our members and employees.  During severe weather conditions, natural disasters, emergencies and other incidents which may cause disruptions of operations at the Pentagon and its annexes at the Taylor building and the Mark Center, the PAC's operating procedure is to comply with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) guidance on dismissal and closure procedures.


  • If OPM announces that the Federal Government is closed, the PAC will be closed.


  • If OPM announces a delayed opening, the PAC will have the same delayed opening.


  • If OPM announces that the Federal Government is open, with unscheduled leave authorized for employees, the PAC management will make a determination on whether the facilities will be open, closed, or have a delayed opening.


  • When the PAC is operating under any of the above conditions, the facilities website, Facebook page will be updated as soon as possible to reflect the current    operating status.  The operating status can be viewed at the below links.


PAC website- https://pac.whs.mil/

PAC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pentagon-Athletic-Center-PAC-159771330740054/



We look forward to seeing you! Happy Holidays!

v/r The PAC Team  

November updates 2024

November is filled with exciting events and important updates, including the Turkey Trot 5K, “Turkey Bowl” Flag Football, and holiday closures. Here are the details:

Turkey Bowl Flag Football Tournament:
We’re thrilled to announce the first-ever National Capital Region (NCR) Turkey Bowl! Hosted by the PAC in collaboration with surrounding installations.  This 7-on-7 co-ed flag football tournament will take place from November 18-22, between 1200 and 1500 hours at Fort Myers. Teams can have up to 10 players, and individuals can sign up as free agents.

• Registration Deadline: October 25, 2024
• If you missed the registration but still wish to participate, please contact Kyiala Satybaeva at kyiala.satybaeva.naf@mail.mil.

Game schedules will be shared later. We look forward to an amazing tournament!

Turkey Trot 5K:
Join us on November 20 from 0900-1100 for our annual Turkey Trot 5K. You can run at your own pace, receive a T-shirt, and compete for a frozen turkey—awarded to the first-place female and male winners. For more information, please see the attached flyer or reach out to:

• Stacee Finkelstein: [stacee.b.finkelstein.naf@mail.mil]
• Oliver Hitchcock: [oliver.g.hitchcock.naf@mail.mil]

GX Class Schedule Update:
The updated GX class schedule for November is attached. Most classes remain unchanged, except for Friday’s schedule.

Holiday Closures:
Please note the following holiday closures in November:

• Veterans Day: November 11 – The facility will be closed.
• Thanksgiving Day: November 28 – The facility will be closed.
• Day After Thanksgiving: November 29 – The facility will be closed.

We encourage you to plan your visits accordingly and enjoy the upcoming holiday season.


Swim Lesso

We are thrilled to inform you that swimming lessons will indeed be available now!  However, please note that spaces are limited, so it's recommended to sign up as soon as possible to secure your spot. To register, please visit [https://pacma.osd.mil/Admin/Events/ManageEvents.aspx]. Once you click the link, navigate to the event calendar (Sports/Classes) located on the top left corner.  From there, you'll be able to see available dates and times for registration.


Swimming lessons are available with a maximum of six participants per session. Each session lasts approximately 1 hour. Beginner sessions offered on Tuesdays, while Thursdays cater to more advanced swimmers.  If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact: Shai Cummings at shai.s.cummings.naf@mail.mil


We hope to see you all participate and make the most of these events!


v/r The PAC Team  

PAC Event: Flag Football  

We are excited to announce the first-ever National Capital Region (NCR) Turkey Bowl! The PAC, in collaboration with surrounding installations, is hosting a 7-on-7 co-ed flag football tournament. This 16-team tournament, with a 10-player team limit, will be held at Fort Myers. The tournament will take place from November 18th to 22nd, from 1200 to 1500 (12:00 to 3:00 p.m.). Players are allowed to sign up as free agents. If you have a team, we ask that you select a team captain to be the point of contact. Registration will close on October 25, 2023. The game schedule will be released at a later time. We welcome all of you and look forward to an amazing tournament.



** PAC Closures**

Oct 12th – 13th  (Sat/Sun) : Army 10 Miler

Oct 14th  (Mon): Columbus Day

Oct 26th – 27th  (Sat/Sun) : Marine Crops Marathon


v/r The PAC Team

PAC Update and Inclement Weather Policy



  • Due to a scheduling change for the PAC Engagement Day Event, the facility will be closed on Tuesday 12 December however, the PAC will now be open on Thursday 14 December. We kindly ask that any belongings be removed from lockers today, as there will be no access to the facility tomorrow. The PAC will reopen on Wednesday 13 December at 0500.


  • As we head toward the 2023-24 winter season, the Pentagon Athletic Center (PAC) wants to take this opportunity to remind our membership of the PAC's operating procedures during inclement weather.


The PAC is committed to providing the highest-level of customer service and satisfaction without compromising the safety of our members and employees.  During severe weather conditions, natural disasters, emergencies and other incidents which may cause disruptions of operations at the Pentagon and its annexes at the Taylor building and the Mark Center, the PAC's operating procedure is to comply with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) guidance on dismissal and closure procedures.


  • If OPM announces that the Federal Government is closed, the PAC will be closed.


  • If OPM announces a delayed opening, the PAC will have the same delayed opening.


  • If OPM announces that the Federal Government is open, with unscheduled leave authorized for employees, the PAC management will make a determination on whether the facilities will be open, closed, or have a delayed opening.


  • When the PAC is operating under any of the above conditions, the facilities website, Facebook page will be updated as soon as possible to reflect the current     operating status.  The operating status can be viewed at the below links.
PAC Updates for Nov 2023 

•             Special event: Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5k! Please come join us on Nov 21, 2023, starting at 9:00am -11:00am.  All participants will receive a FREE T-Shirt and for the first man and woman to finish the run will receive a turkey.


•             Holiday Hours:

-              Friday, Nov. 10th (Veteran's Day): CLOSED

-              Thursday/Friday, Nov. 23rd & 24th (Thanksgiving): CLOSED


•             Group Exercises: There will be no more “Body Pump” classes at 1630 on Tuesdays, however, please join us for “Circuit Training” from 1600-1700 on Tuesdays.  We are also adding “Core & More” classes on Fridays from 1100-1200, and as well as the “Latin Dance Fitness” at 1215-1300.


Note: Please contact: kyiala.satybaeva.naf@mail.mil. To register for the Turkey Trot 5k, and any questions or concerns regarding the fitness program/group classes.

PAC Updates for Oct 2023 

Please see our latest update for activities scheduled for the month of October 2023: 


  • Special event: Breast Cancer Awareness “Let’s fight to finish it” Circuit Training event! Please come join us on Oct 13th 9:00am -10:30am. This event will only be open for the first 26 participants.


  • 2nd Special event: Halloween Hustle 5K run! Please come join us on Oct 31st 9:00am -11:00am. This event will only be open for the first 30 participants.


Note: To register for both Special events, please contact: kyiala.satybaeva.naf@mail.mil.



  • Attached is an October Group Exercise Class Schedule, with descriptions, for classes at the main PAC. All classes are free, so please come on down!


  • The PAC has two new massage chairs. Time to relax!!
PAC Updates for Sept 2023 

Please see our latest update for activities scheduled for the month of September 2023: 


  • Special event; Jiu- Jitsu Ceremony! Please come join us on Sept 22nd 7:00am -10:00am. This event will be held on the blue floor. Note: To register, contact kyiala.satybaeva.naf@mail.mil.


  • New classes: Mondays: Yoga - 12:15-13:15; Tuesdays: Body Pump - 16:30 - 17:30; Thursdays: Zumba toning - 12:15-13:15 (no Mobility + core for this time slot)


  • Attached is a September Group Exercise Class Schedule, with descriptions, for classes at the main PAC. All classes are free, so please come on down!


  • The PAC has two new massage chairs. Time to relax!!
PAC Updates for Aug 2023 

Please see our latest update for activities scheduled for the month of August 2023: 


  • DaShaun Johnson, the “GURU of ABS”, is back! please come join us on Aug 15th 11:00am -12:00pm; 12:10-13:10pm; 4:30-5:30pm and 17th , 6:00-7:00am; 11:00am-12:00pm; 12:10-13:10pm for our Body Sculpting event. Note: To register contact kyiala.satybaeva.naf@mail.mil.


  • Attached is an August Group Exercise Class Schedule, with descriptions, for classes at the main PAC. All classes are free, so please come on down!


  • The PAC has two new Massage Chairs. Time to relax!!
PAC Updates for July 2023 

Please see our latest update for activities scheduled for the month of July 2023: 


  • “Would you like to test your strength? Would you be up for the challenge of the 500 lb. or 1000 lb. club? If so, please come join us on July 19th, 2023, for our powerlifting event. We will be testing one (1) repetition max on bench press, squat, and deadlift

 Note: To register contact kyiala.satybaeva.naf@mail.mil,  and for more information contact rolando.a.alvarengabeltran.naf@mail.mil


  • Attached is a July Group Exercise Class Schedule with descriptions scheduled at the main PAC. All classes are free, so please come on down!


  • The PAC has two new Massage Chairs. Time to relax!!
PAC Updates for June 2023 

·       Fun Friday (Zumba) one day special event on June 16!  This class are limited in space and registration is required. If you are interested in attending please contact our Fitness Program Specialist @ (kyiala.satybaeva.naf@mail.mil)..


·       Attached is a June Group Exercise Class Schedule with descriptions scheduled at the main PAC. All classes are free, so please come on down!

PAC Updates for May 2023 

Please see our latest update for activities scheduled for the month of May 2023:


·       Due to the popularity, high demand, and great feedback,  starting on  May 1st  PAC members must register for our CrossFit classes.


·       Attached is a May Group Exercise Class Schedule with descriptions scheduled at the main PAC.  All classes are free, so please come on down!

PAC Updates for April 2023 

-       The Body Sculpting Special Event is scheduled for two days only!  There has been a change of date for the Body Sculpting Special event.  Instead of Wednesday, April 19th,  it will be conducted on Monday, April 17th , however, there will be no change to the class scheduled for Tuesday, April the 18th.  These classes are limited in space and registration is required.


-       Attached is an April Group Exercise Class Schedule with descriptions scheduled at the main PAC. All classes are free, so please come on down! 



PAC Updates for March 2023 
  • Come join the Pentagon Athletic Center (The PAC) for our St. Patrick’s Day 5K on Friday, March 17 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. The location will be the Pentagon Athletic center track. Participants in the race will receive a free t-shirt. To register, please email our Fitness Program Specialist:  kyiala.satybaeva.naf@mail.mil or call: 571 256 9987.


  • We’ve attached our March group exercise class schedule and descriptions here at the main PAC. All classes are no cost so please feel free to come on down! For more information regarding these classes, please see our group attached to this email, or email kyiala.satybaeva.naf@mail.mil if you have any questions.


  • Due to rolling power outages the PAC will be closed on Sunday 12 March. We will reopen on Monday 13 March at 0500.
PAC Updates for Feb 2023 

The PAC will be rolling out some more fitness classes. 


Starting Today, Monday, February 6, 2023, we have added new lunch time and evening classes. There are various types of classing including: HIIT, strength training, cardio, music base cardio, mobility training, core, and more. 


For more information regarding these classes, please see our group attached to this email, or email (kyiala.satybaeva.naf@mail.mil) if you have any questions. 


Also, if you’re not registered to use the PAC or annexes, please use this link:  https://pacma.osd.mil/Reservations/Default.aspx


We hope you come out to enjoy! Stay tuned for more classes!

Have a great day.

v/r The PAC Team 



      Due to Inclement weather The PAC will be Closing today DEC 23, 2022 at 1300. The PAC will re-open on Tuesday, DEC 27th at 0500. We apologize for any inconvenience. Have a great weekend and happy Holidays!

v/r The PAC Team 



Posted: 10/4/2022 

As we head toward the 2022-2023 winter season, the Pentagon Athletic Center (PAC) wants to take this opportunity to remind our membership of the PAC’s operating procedure during inclement weather.
The PAC is committed to providing the highest-level of customer service and satisfaction without compromising the safety of our members and employees. During severe weather conditions, natural disasters, emergencies and other incidents which may cause disruptions of operations at the Pentagon and its annexes at the Taylor building and the Mark Center, the PAC’s operating procedure is to comply with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) guidance on dismissal and closure procedures.
* If OPM announces that the Federal Government is closed, the PAC will be closed
* If OPM announces a delayed opening, the PAC will have the same delayed opening.
* If OPM announces that the Federal Government is open, with unscheduled leave authorized for employees, the PAC management will make a determination on whether the facilities will be open, closed, or have a delayed opening.
When the PAC is operating under any of the above conditions, the facilities website, Facebook page, and voicemail message will be updated as soon as possible to reflect the current operating status. The operating status can also be viewed at the below link.
PAC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pentagon-Athletic-Center-PAC-159771330740054/
PAC Phone Voicemail: (703) 614-9998
Thank you for your understanding,

PAC Management  


                                                       Effective Date: September 14th 2022
                                                               TRANSITION TO HPCON ALPHA

Reservations no longer required for PAC and amenities. All equipment will be unwrapped for use. The hot and cold tubs will be available for usage. The Sauna and steam room are available. Hairdryers will be available. No group instructions or personal training offered. Towel services offered. basketball and Combative are also available.                                                                                        
                                                                                                                   Operating hours will be:

                                                                                           The PAC: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 0500-1900                                                                                                                                                                                               Tuesday and Thursday: 0500-2100  Saturday & Sunday 0800-1300
                                                                        Mark Center and Taylor-Polk Building: 0500-1900 and are closed on the weekends.



                                                                     Effective Date: May 5th 2022

                                                                     TRANSITION TO HPCON BRAVO                                                    


Reservations no longer required for PAC and amenities. All equipment will be unwrapped for use. The hot and cold tubs will be available for usage. The Sauna and steam room are available. Hairdryers will be available. No group instructions or personal training offered. Towel services offered                                                                                           

                                                                              Operating hours will be:                                                                                        

                                                                                             The PAC: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 0500-1900                                                                                                 Tuesday and Thursday: 0500-2100  Saturday & Sunday 0800-1300
Mark Center and Taylor-Polk Building: 0500-1900 and are closed on the weekends.



Effective Date: March 2nd 2022

Use of the Pentagon Athletic Center remains by reservation only and will limit its
maximum workout population and staff members to 255 per 2 ½ hour session;21
maximum occupancy at Mark Center Gym and 15 at Taylor/ Polk Building Gym per 2 ½
hour session. Face coverings will no longer be mandatory in the facility.
The Mark Center and Taylor Polk Annexes will re-open on Monday March 7th at 0500. 

Effective Date: January 31st 2022

HPCON Charlie
Main PAC                                                                                                                                                                   

Reservations required for PAC and amenities (pool, racquetball/squash/track)                                          
50 members per timed session (150 authorized in the facility at once)
Upon reaching capacity walk ins will not be admitted
DoD Civilians, and contractors will be authorized to use the facility during the following times:
-    0500-0700, 0515-0715, 0530-0730
-    0800-1000, 0815-1015, 0830-1030
-    1400-1600, 1415-1615, 1430-1630
-    1700-1900, 1715-1915
The 1100-1300, 1115-1315 and 1130-1330 session will remain as active duty only
Masks are mandatory in the facility, to include PT, except for swimming and showering                                                         

Equipment spaced 6 ft apart for social distancing
Towel service will be provided                                                              
No services offered (group classes, personal training)
Operating hours will be:
Monday- Friday 0500-1915                                       
Closed for cleaning 0730-0800, 1030-1100, 1330-1400 and 1630-1700
Saturday, Sunday and holidays Closed 

Mark Center Annex:
The Mark Center Annex will be closed until further notice
Taylor-Polk Annex:
The Taylor-Polk Annex will be closed until further notice         

Posted: 12/6/2021

Dear Members,
Out of an abundance of caution, effective Thursday 9 September, at 0500, the PAC will transition back to HPCON Bravo Plus. Main PAC capacity restrictions will remain at 255 during each two hour session. Mask mandate remains in place throughout the facility except the pool and showers.

Posted: 7/30/2021

Effective Monday, August 2, 2021, at 0500, the Pentagon Reservation will transition to
HPCON Bravo and the following measures will be in effect:


Use of the Pentagon Athletic Center remains by reservation only and will limit its
maximum workout population and staff members to 255 per 2 ½ hour session;21
maximum occupancy at Mark Center Gym and 15 at Taylor/ Polk Building Gym per 2 ½
hour session; masking will be required regardless of vaccination status; 

COVID-19 vaccinations remain available through DiLorenzo Tricare Health Clinic

Posted: 7/29/2021



Posted: 7/12/2021

With more people receiving vaccinations and returning to work, as well as, restrictions being lifted in the National Capitol Region, the PAC would like to provide a status on current. Effective Friday 9 July at 0500, the PAC will transition to HPCON Alpha. We were hoping that we might be able to lift capacity restrictions and allow members in without the use of the PAC Registration system, however, the memo received from the Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 17), requires us to maintain 6 ft of social distancing for settings where it is prudent for health and safety. Due to this ongoing requirement, PAC capacity restrictions will remain in place (and registration mandatory).


Posted: 5/14/2021

Dear Valued Members,


We have received guidance and are happy to announce that we will be lifting mask restrictions in the PAC, Mark Center and Taylor- Polk Annexes effective immediately, however there will still be restrictions for some members:


  • Only members that have been fully vaccinated with the required wait time of two weeks after the last shot will be authorized to remove masks in the gym
  • If you have not been fully vaccinated, then you must wear a mask at all times within the facility with the exceptions of swimming and showering


     Please know that we are still in HPCON Bravo Plus so the following still apply:


  • Reservations will still be required for entry into the facilities
  • Capacity guidelines will remain in place
  • Appropriate Social Distancing


For any additional questions please refer to the updated Building Circular or call the following facility:

PAC Front Desk      -           703-614-9998

Mark Center Gym -             571-372-5685

Taylor/Polk Building Gym - 703-545-1875

Posted: 5/12/2021


We hope that you are remaining safe during these difficult times.  We appreciate your patience as we work through the pandemic together and look forward to the day when we can be back to “normal.”   While the PAC has remained open during the pandemic, due to extremely low traffic the decision was made to close the annexes back in November 2020. With more people being vaccinated and returning to work, we are happy to announce that the Mark Center and Taylor-Polk Annexes will re-open at 0500 on Monday 17 May, 2021.   

Posted: 2/5/2021


EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY; Masks are to be worn throughout the facility in every area. Only exceptions are showers and pool.

Posted: 1/29/2021


Dear Members, with a possible weather event taking place this weekend, we wanted to provide information on PAC operations. We operate under the Inclement Weather Policy set forth by OPM:

In the event of government closure due to bad weather the PAC will be closed.

In the event of a delay, the PAC will follow OPM guidelines and open at 0800. Those who have registered for the 0500, 0515 and 0530 session will be unable to access the facility.

Stay safe. PAC Team.

Posted: 12/3/2020


Please be advised - effective Thursday December 3rd, the Mark Center and Taylor Polk Gym facilities will be closed until further notice..

Posted: 9/14/2020


To make a reservation at the Pentagon Athletic Center and the annexes at Mark Center and Taylor-Polk please use the link on the website main page. Follow the instructions given on the reservation site to reserve your time slot at the PAC. The hours of operation during our phased re-opening are as follows; Mon-Fri 0500-1915. Closed weekends and Holidays.

Posted: 7/31/2020


To make a reservation at the Pentagon Athletic Center and the annexes at Mark Center and Taylor-Polk please use the link on the website main page. Follow the instructions given on the reservation site to reserve your time slot at the PAC. The hours of operation during our phased re-opening are as follows; Mon-Fri 0500-1915. Closed weekends and Holidays.

Posted: 7/12/2020


Please excuse the dust and debris as we are in the process of renovating and replacing the sinks and countertops in the locker rooms.
The project will start on 17 July and run through 4 August. Work will take place in the evening and over the weekend. The men's locker room sinks and countertops will be completed in two phases- one bank of sinks at a time. Temporary sinks will be placed in the women's locker room during the project's duration. The women's locker room will be closed the weekend of 22-23 July (members may still access lockers) and women are encouraged to use the family changing room.
We hope this improvement to our facility has a minimal effect on your experience.
Thank you for your patience.
PAC Management

Posted: 3/19/2020


For advice on hand washing and reducing the spread of germs please follow the guidelines given by the CDC

Posted: 3/19/2020


This is a friendly reminder that on Wednesday, January 29th the pool will be closed for 1 hour between 1300 and 1400 for fire pump testing.

Posted: 3/19/2020


The PAC and it's annexes will be closed on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day.
PAC Holiday Hours and Closures.

Posted: 3/19/2020


As we head toward the 2018-2019 winter season, the Pentagon Athletic Center (PAC) wants to take this opportunity to remind our membership of the PAC’s operating procedure during inclement weather.
The PAC is committed to providing the highest-level of customer service and satisfaction without compromising the safety of our members and employees. During severe weather conditions, natural disasters, emergencies and other incidents which may cause disruptions of operations at the Pentagon and its annexes at the Taylor building and the Mark Center, the PAC’s operating procedure is to comply with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) guidance on dismissal and closure procedures.
* If OPM announces that the Federal Government is closed, the PAC will be closed
* If OPM announces a delayed opening, the PAC will have the same delayed opening.
* If OPM announces that the Federal Government is open, with unscheduled leave authorized for employees, the PAC management will make a determination on whether the facilities will be open, closed, or have a delayed opening.
When the PAC is operating under any of the above conditions, the facilities website, Facebook page, and voicemail message will be updated as soon as possible to reflect the current operating status. The operating status can also be viewed at the below link.
PAC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pentagon-Athletic-Center-PAC-159771330740054/
PAC Phone Voicemail: (703) 614-9998
Thank you for your understanding,
PAC Management

Posted: 3/19/2020


You asked, We listened!
Starting on 2 January 2018, the PAC will now open at 0400 on Monday - Friday. This change is only effective for the PAC. The annexes at the Taylor Building and the Mark Center will continue to open at 0500 as before. We thank you for your patronage and wish you and yours a Happy and Safe Holiday Season! PAC Management

Posted: 3/15/2020

Dear Members,

The PAC, Mark Center, and Taylor buildings remain closed until further notice. However, if in any case you need to retrieve items out of your locker, please contact the PAC Membership Desk (703-614-9998) during the hours of 0800 - 1200, Monday - Friday to schedule time to retrieve your belongings. The PAC will be minimal staffed until further notice.

Good News!

Refund #1- Active Duty, DoD Civilians, Contractors (Retired Military) only: On 1 October 2019 the PAC (Mark Center & Taylor Building Annexes) became a free membership facility for All Military Active Duty personnel and DoD Civilians assigned to the Pentagon (Mark Center & Taylor Building Annexes). Therefore you are eligible for a refund that dates back to 1 October 2019. Some of you have already received your refund; however, this notice is to advise those of you who have not received your refund that once the PAC re-opens, please stop by at the Membership Desk and file your refund claim. If you need your refund sooner, please contact the PAC Membership Desk (703-614-9998) during the hours of 0800 - 1200, Monday - Friday. The PAC staff will schedule time to coordinate your refund return.

Refund #2 - During Coronavirus Closure (Contractors): The PAC will rebate the entire March and in worst case scenario the following months as well. Once the PAC is reopens, please stop by the Membership Desk and file your refund claim.

Exercising AT Home During the COVID-19 Outbreak

If you’re staying at home, you still probably want to continue your workout routine. “Focus on the basics such as planks, pushups, squats, leg lifts, or bicycles and burpees for an easy workout that will build strength and get your heart rate up. To build a workout is to do 4 rounds of 5 exercises for 45 seconds of work, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Choose exercises that target different areas of your body and you’ll have a full-body workout in less than 20 minutes.

For people looking for more guidance during their home exercise, there are plenty of tutorials available online, whether on YouTube or other portals. One such example is the online yoga platform EkhartYoga, which is offering free gentle yoga and meditation classes online to people during the outbreak to help counteract the escalation of stress and anxiety that comes with it.

We thank you all for your patience during these trying times. We will continue to provide updates and look forward to seeing you all again!

v/r PAC Management

Posted: 3/15/2020

Dear Members,

Out of an abundance of caution, the Pentagon Athletic Center in the Pentagon, Mark and Taylor buildings will close until further notice starting Sunday 15th of March 2020 at midnight.
Again, the PAC, the Mark Center and the Taylor Athletic Centers will not be opened Monday morning as usual and will remain closed until further notice.
We encourage members to continue to ensure physical and mental wellness and to follow COVID-19 guidance from CDC, which can be found at https://www.whs.mil/ or https://www.cdc.gov/
We will keep you posted on any PAC updates.
PAC Management

Posted: 10/19/2015


Strength Training Area Closed 19-25 October, 2015, For Equpment Replacement
We have good news! The PAC is about to undergo a major replacement of strength equipment. We will be replacing almost every piece of equipment with the latest Lifefitness has to offer. This means that the strength equipment area will be closed 19 through 25 October. However, the rest of the gym will be open for use. Thank you for your patience as we continue our improvements.

Posted: 7/22/2015


Sealed Bid Auction - Indoor Cycle Bikes - 22 and 23 July, 2015
Have you ever wanted to own your own spin bike? Now is your chance! In order to make room for our brand new high-tech Matrix IC7 bikes, we will be getting rid of our older bikes through a sealed bid auction on 22 and 23 July. We are offering 4 different models: LeMond Revmaster, LeMond Revmaster/Lifefitness, Livestrong E-Series, and Livestrong S-Series. Bidding will be held on the multi-purpose courts. Winning bidder will be notified no later than 28 July. Open to PAC members only. All sales are final. Cash or check (no credit card).

Posted: 7/8/2013


Effective 8 July 2013, the PAC will operate from 0500 to 2000, Monday through Friday, until the end of the furlough period. Weekend and Holiday hours will remain the same, 0800 to 1800. We regret the inconvenience.

Posted: 4/24/2013


The ongoing in-depth analysis will require non-destructive and limited destructive methods to address and resolve continued water infiltration issues in the PAC. The contract is comprised of 20 tasks that have been tailored to achieve desired results. The multi-disciplinary engineering team utilizes the "big picture" approach so that nothing of importance and relevance will get lost or overlooked during this complex research and analytical process.
Temporary measures to control water infiltration inside the PAC will remain in place until permanent solutions have been developed and implemented.

Posted: 8/31/2011


As a result of BRAC actions, the Pentagon Athletic Center Jefferson Plaza I Annex closed permanently on Wednesday, 31 August 2011. The JP Annex opened its doors in August 1999 and served the Department of Defense community in Crystal City. PAC facilities in the Pentagon and Taylor building in Crystal City will remain open. A new PAC Annex in the Mark Center opened on 7 November 2011.
Please direct any questions regarding this closure to the Pentagon Athletic Center Administrative Assistant at 703-614-4722.

Posted: 1/1/2011


New PAC badge policy will be in effect on 1 January 2011. For more information, please call 703-614-6529 or email at WHS Pentagon WSO Mailbox PAC Admin (whs.pentagon.wso.mbx.pac-admin@mail.mil)

Posted: 2/1/2009


Dues were increased on 1 February 2009.
For more information about our dues please visit our FAQ page.
The entire PAC staff looks forward to providing you the best possible service in 2012!
If you have any questions, please call (703) 692-4857.